Have you ever received a kiss from heaven? Perhaps you didn’t know that you did! Maybe, it was one of those moments that just crept up and caught you by surprise.
This past weekend, I received a precious kiss from heaven. When you read this beautiful story, you too will know that no doubt this was a kiss from God Himself! Continue reading to be inspired!
I was having my very first book signing for my newly published work, Beloved Not Broken. The small town of Granbury, Texas was having their monthly Ladies Night Out on the historic town square. I was located in the fabulous store, N Design & Decor.
I was visiting with some ladies and suddenly felt a tiny hand on my neck that was gently pulling me to turn. As I turned, there was a precious little boy with the deepest blue eyes intently gazing into mine. He pulled me closer and planted the sweetest kiss on my cheek.
I turned in amazement to his mother who was nearby with a questioning look. My friend who was with me asked her, “Does he do this a lot?” She too was quite taken by what was going on and said, “No, he is friendly but doesn’t go and kiss strangers.”
I turned to the child and looked right into his shining eyes. He was very calm and peaceful and just kept hugging my neck. Tears were springing into my eyes.
His mother and I began visiting about this experience and I shared that every now and then, I have special, spiritual encounters with random strangers. I explained that I had a near death experience years ago and sometimes a person is brought into my life who has also had a similar situation. We will find that we are drawn to one another that is beyond anything one can explain in normal terms.
She immediately began to cry and she began to share with me that just last year, this precious little boy almost drowned. Now of course, I am crying and have chills all over! I have only had a few of these types of encounters.
I kneeled down to this little four year old boy and said, “Sweetie, did you see Jesus?” Without batting an eye he said, “Yes I did!” His mother burst into tears as she shared the story of his near drowning last summer. She told us that as he was pulled from the pool he was completely blue.
She shared that he has never spoken of this before and hearing this was a complete surprise and a blessing to her. She now knew that during the drowning, her little boy was indeed being cradled in God’s arms. What a testimony!
There will always be naysayers regarding these types of experiences. However, God has shown me time and again that He is indeed in control and provides me and many others with situations like this. It is as if He is saying to me and others, “I am always here and I am always with you.”
This innocent little child was inexplicably drawn to me by the power of God. Because we both experienced a tiny bit of heaven, the energy between us was undeniable. This was powerful to all of us who were there witnessing this.
I am beyond blessed to have met this tiny, little boy. He truly did give me a butterfly kiss from heaven. Never dismiss witnessing a miracle.
Have you fully LIVED today?