Amid this challenging year of 2020, we have all experienced things we never, ever expected. But, isn’t that life? None of us can really know what tomorrow holds, can we?

As believer’s however, we can hold onto the promises from God’s Word. Throughout Scripture, we read of the many miracles that were witnessed in those days. Often, we mistakenly believe those miracles only occurred for mankind in those days. For those of you who have experienced a miracle from God, you know firsthand that miracles still exist today.

Recently, a dear friend of mine who is going through breast cancer treatments received the devastating news that she most likely had developed a more severe and lethal diagnosis of Inflammatory breast cancer. Initially, when any of us receives this kind of news, we are engulfed with fear, dismay, and even despair. Luckily, this great woman of faith reached out to allow those in her life to lift the situation up to the Almighty! She understands the power of intentional prayer.

When I received her call, I immediately began praying for a misdiagnosis and that the issue was a severe infection. Now please understand, I am NOT taking credit for this but using this to illustrate the fact that God still answers prayer and He is still a God of miracles. I specifically imagined the mass being an ugly infection and prayed for this to be the case.

Today, with joyful tears, I received the call from her that indeed, she had a severe infection that can be treated! Hallelujah and all praise, glory, and honor be to God. Yes, Christmas miracles do exist! The lesson, never doubt that God can and will answer prayers!

Merry Christmas!