Do you ever need a kick-start in life? I think at some point we all need a reminder to get going. Life and stress can cause us to lose our way and our momentum. Now, whether you follow the Bible or not, this story reaches across all lines of religion and truly provides us with some excellent life lessons.
Yesterday at church, our pastor reminded us of the story when Jesus healed the paralytic man. In the book of John, chapter 5, you can find the powerful account of the man who for years sat by the pool at Bethesda awaiting to be the first into the water so that he would be healed. The man had been disabled for 38 years.
Upon meeting Jesus, he was asked by Him, “Do you want to get well?” A simple question with profound meaning. The man replied by saying, he was unable to get up and get into the pool. Jesus then very plainly told the man to “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”
I love the simplicity of Jesus’ response and it made me think how many of us get stuck in life and often we try to make things more difficult than they are. So here are the three main points I find from this account:
1. GET UP – Most of the time when we are stuck in whatever situation we are dealing with, the most difficult thing to do is to get going. Therefore, recognizing that you are stuck is key. Next, it is time to make a change rather than remaining in your “stuck-ness”. Being able to do this will require discipline and tenacity in order to get up.
2. GET BUSY – The command to the main was simple. Pick up your mat. In order to make a change after you get up, you then need a plan in order to move forward. This plan will require effort. Without the willpower or willingness to work to move forward, getting busy will be difficult.
3. GET GOING – The man was told to simply “walk”. As simple as this is, how many of the best-laid plans never happen because they were simply not put into action? Becoming un-stuck will require you to move. You must get yourself going in order to accomplish anything.
I love the message of this verse and truly how profound and simple the lessons we can take away and utilize. Are you ready to GET UP – GET BUSY – and to GET GOING? It’s time to pick up your mat and GO!