In this next episode of Dr. Paula’s START2DAY series, based on her book, Theosynthesis – LIV2DAY, get ready for an discussion on what we put INTO and ONTO our bodies. If you’re serious about your journey to optimum balance and health, then these topics cannot be avoided. You’ll hear straight-talk on the choices we each make and whether those choices bring life or death to the body. If you struggle with fatigue, auto-immune issues or any number of chronic health challenges shared by many, then this episode is for YOU! Ridding the body of “toxic soup,” as Dr. Paula puts it, is vital to good health and is the first step toward feeling better.


Hello everyone.


Well, we're continuing our series of starting today.


So today we are going to continue discussing toxins.


Last week we Dove into the topic of dealing with toxic people that are in our lives, those parasitic types who just love to feed off of your emotions and Rob you of your energy and your joy.


Well, in this episode, we're going to focus on the body by identifying and removing the toxins that you are exposed to on a daily basis.


These toxins affect your body, building up into a yucky toxic sludge that simply drain you of your health and your vitality.


And just like we discussed about identifying the toxic people in your life, the same is true when recognizing the chemicals and toxins that you are bringing into your body, either knowingly or unknowingly.


So what I mean by knowingly allowing toxins into your body are those food and drink items that you know are not life giving.


For instance, junk food, fast foods, candy, foods that are completely dead because they have been inundated with a gazillion chemicals in order to preserve them.


The unknown toxins or unknown toxins are those that are hidden or masked to the unsuspecting person.


For instance, a substance called keragenon.


And it comes from Red seaweed and it actually helps food have a creamy texture and prevents spoilage and also used to thicken the foods.


But studies show that this chemical, this derivative of the seaweed, causes internal inflammation, digestive problems, and even points to colon cancer.


And it's found in a lot of substances.

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I would highly recommend you do a deep dive, ha ha, no pun intended, into the dangers of fluoride in your drinking water.


We simply do not need this chemical in our water.


In my book, Theosynthesis Live Today, I have numerous chapters discussing the foods that you really need to avoid.


But the bottom line is this.


You either have food that is alive, meaning food that most resembles the way God placed it here on Earth, or you have dead food that is so full of preservatives and chemicals, it no longer provides your body with anything of value other than empty calories.


So each time you are making choices when you're eating or drinking, you've got to be honest with yourself and ask, is this choice going to bring life or is it going to bring death to my body? And it's a serious question that you must begin asking as we continue in this Start Today series in order to focus on bringing your body into optimum health, removing the sludge from your cells and tissues is paramount.


As your body begins to rid itself of the toxic soup within, you're going to begin to feel better.


You'll feel your energy returning, your skin and hair are going to look better and most likely the unwanted pounds will start going away next.


You also need to know the lurking toxins in the everyday products that you have in your home.


There are many that are not being kind to your system and this is the area that started me on my Live Today journey twelve years ago after losing a lung due to a massive tumor.


I was an active 50 year old at the time and I was running about six half marathons a year.


I have never smoked and have consistently made healthy choices regarding my diet.


When I was told I had this large mass in my lung, as you can imagine, I was stunned.


And after being advised that I would most likely not make it through the surgeries, my journey to Live Today began.


So obviously, here I am and I survived.


But I did lose an entire left lung and I began exploring why on Earth I developed this rare lung tumor.


Well, my team of doctors suggested I take a close look at every product that I use on a daily basis.


And I was advised to look at the ingredients for skincare, makeup, laundry products, cleaners, and the top four toxic ingredients to avoid, they told me, are thylates, parabens, formaldehyde and aluminum.


These fearsome four, as I call them, are the major contributors to cancer, endocrine issues, brain and neurotoxic problems, and many, many other diseases.


These chemicals can enter your body via inhalation or by directly placing them on your skin.


And remember, you guys, your skin is your largest organ that delivers what you put on it into every single cell of your body within minutes after application.


Simply put, many of us are bathing in a toxic soup.


Well, personally, when I went through my home and performed what I call a chemical clean up, my eyes were fully opened.


I was shocked to find tons of the products that I thought were safe were actually the ones I was using on a daily basis.


And you know what? I got mad, you guys here, these products were being made in our country.


And I just thought mistakenly, well, they're made here and they have to go through a regulation process.


Therefore, they're safe.


But what I've learned in the twelve years of researching and studying is that our country actually allows these chemicals in our products, while many other countries ban them.


So the big question is why? And upon discovering all of this junk that I was consuming and putting on my body, I took a large trash bag and I just began tossing them all.


And over the years, when I share this story, I have people say, Paula, it's too expensive to throw away all of my products.


And my response is simply this.


Let me tell you what is expensive your life.


Losing a major organ is expensive.


I understand that we all must make decisions for our own journey.


And my message and prayer for you all is that you determine right now what it is that you are willing to lose.


Are you willing to roll the dice by continuing to consume and bathe yourself in the toxins that will build up in your system? These chemicals are stored deep in the tissues of your body.


Adipose or fat tissue is loaded with toxins as well as your brain and liver.


And you may be fine for a while, but at some point, your body will rebel and each of us has a different level of tolerance.


Therefore, when your body reaches its limit, that's when you face the consequences.


Cancer, liver disease, strange tumors, and many learning disorders, as well as autoimmune issues are directly related to the toxic build up in your body.


And you young people who think, well, this doesn't apply to me right now.


I have lots of years ahead of me.


Well, I have news for you.


What you are doing to your body right now will affect how you age later on.


And if you choose to have children, it will absolutely affect the next generation by what you choose to eat and to put on your body.


I'm going to do a future show.


It's a relatively new study called Epigenetics, which is the study of environmental effects on our genetics.


Scientists are learning more and more of what we are putting in and on our bodies absolutely affects the human genome and the subsequent generations.


Okay, now I probably have you freaking out a little bit, but I hope I have your attention.


And why, you might ask, isn't this topic being really talked about on the news? Well, as you know, money talks and the big companies, including where our medicine comes from, they control the narrative.


Don't believe me? Well, then understand that anything that is censored on the Internet is because they don't want the truth to be out there.


It's about money and profits over people and health.


Yes, some will call me a conspiracy theorist, but call it what you will.


It's called years of research.


So I want to leave you today with some very positive ways to start today in getting rid of the Jungkola in your home.


One, I want you to go through everything in your cabinets, look at the ingredients with a critical eye.


If you don't know what something is on a label, look it up, and then determine if it's something that you need to keep or if you need to throw it out.


Next, get rid of all the cleaners that are full of toxic soup sludge.


Each time you use sprays that are loaded with chemicals, guess what? All of that aerosol, those little droplets, they're going into your lungs.


And your lungs have to deal with these irritants.


They then enter your bloodstream via the capillary exchange, where, guess what? They go through your body and are deposited throughout your body.


Three remove toxic candles and fresheners, especially the plug in type of fragrances.


You guys, these are very toxic.


Many people have no idea why they have developed headaches, autoimmune issues, et cetera, simply because they want their home to smell good.


So instead, just use pure therapeutic grade essential oils.


They smell great, but it is important to use essential oils that have not been compromised by additives.


I've done a show a while back last year on choosing your essential oils, but also you can go to my website,, and send me a message right there.


Number four, don't buy junk food.


Limit the canned foods as much as possible.


Seek out local farmers markets, reputable health food stores, etc.


For your food.


Seek the lifegiving foods as much as possible.


Taking these initial four steps will help you start today with your quest toward more abundant health and wellness.


And remember, one Corinthians, six one nine says, don't you know that your body is a temple? Therefore, honor God with your body and in order to serve Him.


And trust me, he needs all of us right now.


And it is difficult to fully serve Him when you are not at the top of your game.


So as you start today to live today, know that each step that you will take are going to be positive steps to creating a better you inside and out.

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True, living in abundance means living in fullness of the mind, the body and the spirit.


And I pray you are encouraged to begin making the changes you need in order to start today.


Every single one of you is worth it and you have a lot of living to do.


So are you ready to fully live today? Then? Let's continue to start today in my Ask Dr.


Paula segment.


In light of our show today regarding toxins that we knowingly or unknowingly introduce into our system, I get asked all the time, where should I begin to clean up my act? And as we discussed, a quick tip to really get going should be starting with a personal question.


What areas of your life or health concern you the most? If you're having digestive issues, then maybe assessing what you're eating to try to determine the culprit is essential.


Maybe you're having consistent headaches, taking a good hard look at the potential triggers in your home or the products that you're using.


That's a great place to begin.


But the main thing is to take at least one step in the right direction.


Keep a food diary or make a list of the items you are removing to determine if there's any positive changes that you begin experiencing.


You know, baby steps are not bad, but as we've been discussing in this Start Today series, it is up to you to actually make the decision to begin.


I would love for you to shoot me your questions or comments by going to Dr.


Paula and clicking on the connect tab.


So until next time.