In this fourth episode of Dr. Paula’s START2DAY to LIV2DAY series, Dr. Paula raises the undeniable issue of rising mental stress and anxiety in our culture and in the world we’re living in today. Before we can stand strong in the battlefield, we must first attend to our own health. Maintaining balance of the mind, spirit and body is simply more challenging when external stressors are growing in magnitude in our everyday lives. Dr. Paula walks us through a “self-check” to keep us on watch over our own well-being. And then with our health intact, as Paul tells us in Ephesians 6:10-18, “Put on the armor of God….” Now is the time for Christians to stand strong, together.

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and and to shine that light. We are to be light in a very dark world. And right now I would have to say that we're in a dark world. So our lights need to be shining brighter than ever. And one of the stories that I've often referred to is the story in the Bible, where the disciples are out on the sea, and they're in the boat, and this horrible storm whips up really quickly, and they are frightened. And they look and they see Jesus and he's coming toward them. walking on the water, and brave Peter jumps out of the boat, and he starts walking on the water as well towards Jesus. And he's so excited to see Jesus. And then Peter looks down and realizes, oh my gosh, I'm walking on water, and he starts to sink. And Jesus says, Look at me, and he reaches his handout, and Peter comes back up. And that's such a beautiful reminder to all believers, that when we feel like we are sinking, when we feel like all is lost, if we extend our hand to Jesus, and we put our eyes back on him, that's when we are able to rise up and to be strong. And to continue on. Because right now, this is not a time for believers to run inside and bury our heads underneath our covers. We can do that for a short time. But we have to get back up. We have to get back out there. You guys, people need you. People need to see Jesus's light. So how can you do that? Well, at the same time, protecting your own heart? Well, to start with, you need to take care of yourself first. It's just like that oxygen mask, when it comes down, you have to put it on the person next to you first,

and then put yours on. No, I'm sorry, I got that backwards, you got to put yours on first and then help that person.

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You need to put on your armor of God each and every day. We need to be battle ready. And yes, warriors do get weary. And that's all the more reason why you've got to take care of yourself right now, more than ever. And so each day, when you're finding yourself getting a little more weary, take a step back, reassess, and then make the changes that you need to make, because you guys, all of us get tired. But we need each other more than ever. The Church must stand together, as we continue to hear the news unfolding. And we need to be able to go out there and offer the light of Christ to those who have no light, they have no hope. And I've often said, I don't know how people deal with horrific situations in their life, when they're not believers. Because what's the hope? What's the purpose? If we just live this life? To just oh, okay, Sunday, I'm just going to die. And I'm just going to go back to being dirt. Yeah, there's no hope in that. There's no life in that. But for those of us who believe we know, there is light at the end of the tunnel, we know that there's life at the end of this life. And that alone should bring such an amazing comfort. And when we put our eyes back onto Jesus, that's when the storms within us can calm down. That's when we can refocus and say yes, Jesus, and hold his hand tightly through the storms. And these daily storms are going to keep coming. The world is going to keep being upside down. But what doesn't change is Christ, God's love for us, His promises to us, his character, none of those change. Even though the world is absolutely insane right now, the one thing I know that does not change, and then I can rely on 100% is God's word, and what he's told us, and the promises that he's made to you and I.

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So I know I'm getting, I'm getting in there. And this may be banned. But that's okay. I am doing what God's telling me to do. And that's to speak up. And you guys, it's time, when we rise together and be strong. That's when we're gonna make a huge difference. So you must be strong, mentally and emotionally. Because when God calls you, you need to be ready. So every day when you get up, you think about those four things we put on. In Ephesians. We put on our helmet, we put on our breastplate, we put on our sash, and we put on our feet being ready. And then the two things that we hold, are a sword and a shield. And you think about it, a shield is used to defend. But in the other hand, your sword is used as a weapon. And so God's word, that's our whip weapon. He is our shield. And we are to open our mouths and speak truth. We are to be bold. So, you know, right now you guys, it is it is a tough time. There is no doubt. And so my prayer for each of you that are listening, is that today, you've heard two things, one, take care of yourself, reassess. But number two, don't stay there. It got to stand back up. And so my I'm going to pray, I'm going to close in prayer. And I really pray that those of you who are hurting, and are just lost right now that you will take everything to the throne, go to the throne before you go to the phone. Don't call a friend right now just go to him. You can call your friend later, go to the throne, and really put your needs before him. Father God, we are in a tough time, the world appears to be upside down. Things are scary. But what we do know is that you have chosen us to be here for such a time as this. You've put us on this earth at this exact moment in history. And so for us as believers, we ask for an extra measure of strength and endurance, and light. Help us to be that light that others around us need to see in this very chaotic and dark world. I pray for every listener and I pray that their hearts are pierced with the knowing that you love them and that you are in control. And it's in your name we pray. Amen. So until next time, you all I hope that you're starting today to fully live today. Thank you for joining me friends. My prayer for you is that you would seek to live today and everyday in balance and an abundant connection with God