We know that all living things have a vibrational frequency. We know that sound also has varying levels of frequency. Scientists, especially in the emerging area of healing frequency therapy, also know that thought patterns even emit a frequency. Did you know that your mood exerts its own frequency? That’s why you can feel when someone is actually happy or sad, or angry. All frequencies are measured in units called hertz, or broken down further into megahertz. It was Einstein who discovered that all matter vibrates at the atomic level. And so it is also true with a spoken word, a thought, and yes, a prayer.
When Dr. Paula McDonald began writing her book, LIV2DAY, Theosynthesis, she began digging into these and other scientific principles. For those of you who follow this podcast, you may already share her fascination for science and the fact that the more you dig into it, the more you find that it points to an all knowing, all powerful, perfect Creator God.
Join Dr. Paula in this exciting episode on the vibrational power of prayer, and how as Believers, we can be confident that our prayers, the laying on of hands, the use of essential oils, and more – when done in Jesus’ name – are a worthy endeavor.
To learn more about Dr. Paula McDonald, visit drpaulamcdonald.com
Hi there.
Speaker:I'm Dr.
Speaker:Paula McDonald, and I welcome you to my podcast live today.
Speaker:It's here that together we'll explore the concept of balance as God designed it to be for us, his children.
Speaker:Balance of the mind, the body and the spirit.
Speaker:And it's what I've named Theosynthesis.
Speaker:And it's here waiting for you.
Speaker:Well, hello everyone, it's Dr.
Speaker:Paula McDonald and I'm here with you today on the Live Today podcast.
Speaker:And today we are on number 86.
Speaker:And today I'm going to be talking about an interesting topic that may be new for a lot of you, but I want you to hang with me.
Speaker:We're going to be talking about prayer as it has a vibrational frequency.
Speaker:So okay, hold on a minute.
Speaker:Paula, what in the world are you talking about? Well, when I began writing my book Live Today theosynthesis, I began digging into the wellknown universal principles of vibrational frequency.
Speaker:And those who follow this podcast, you guys understand my deep fascination for science and the fact that the more you dig into science, the more it points to an all knowing, all powerful, perfect creator god.
Speaker:As Einstein discovered, all matter is vibrating at an atomic level.
Speaker:And we know that all living things have a vibrational frequency.
Speaker:We know that sound also has varying levels of frequency.
Speaker:And this frequency is measured in units called a hertz or even broken down further into what we call megahertz, sometimes shown as MHz.
Speaker:And currently there are some new and exciting studies called vibrational medicine.
Speaker:And these fields of study believe and understand that vibrational medicine, or energy medicine as it's sometimes called, is based on the scientific principle that matter vibrates to a specific frequency, thereby using resonant vibrations.
Speaker:Balance, or homeostasis of matter can be restored via frequencies.
Speaker:Well, this field of study believes that the human body, along with its entire entry field, including physical, emotional, and spiritual elements, can treat disorders or disease of the human body.
Speaker:And back in:Speaker:And his main research was more in specifying and identifying a range of frequencies within our human body and in plants.
Speaker:And he discovered that a healthy human body resonates with a frequency range of 62 around 78.
Speaker:We know that when our frequency levels in our bodies drop, imbalances begin to show up.
Speaker:And think about it, when you are low energy and you just don't feel right, you know, your body is not vibrating with a higher frequency.
Speaker:That just makes sense.
Speaker:And these imbalances mean that possibly your immune system has been compromised.
Speaker:And as the frequency level continues to drop down, the body becomes increasingly more ill and death actually begins as a body reaches a frequency level of 25 MHz.
Speaker:So I read a cool book called the Healing oils of the Bible by Dr.
Speaker:David Stewart, and he points out a vast majority of what we call health practitioners or medical doctors that they are non believers in an almighty God who is the ultimate healer.
Speaker:And he's saying not all of them, but sadly, most of them.
Speaker:And I'm certainly not saying that there are no God believing doctors out there, because thankfully, I have many in my life.
Speaker:Medical schools, however, they don't acknowledge God, nor do they recognize any of his healing methods.
Speaker:Additionally, most medical schools don't even focus on natural nutrition methods as a way to heal disease.
Speaker:And most doctors will tell you they took very few courses in nutrition while they were in medical school.
Speaker:Therefore, they just haven't studied how natural plants can and do heal illnesses.
Speaker:Because, you guys, these plants, they are living things, and they have a vibrational frequency.
Speaker:And if we look back in history, there are many examples of people who were called healers, medicine men or women.
Speaker:And these healers guessed what they used natural plants and herbs to treat illnesses and injuries.
Speaker:They studied various methods in which to extract the chemical constituents from these plants in a form that could be then used in medicine.
Speaker:So a lot of you guys who love your essential oils, there's a reason for it.
Speaker:And I have a whole podcast on it and a whole chapter dedicated in my book, if you want to know more about it.
Speaker:It may seem like I'm going off topic here with the frequency of prayer, but I'm trying to lay some foundational work here so that we can really understand what I'm meaning here.
Speaker:And I wanted to go back to biblical times, and did you know that healers were the actual priest? And when people became sick, they sought out their priest for healing.
Speaker:And these priests were called anointed because they were considered to be set apart for God's specific purpose.
Speaker:Well, guess who we are called to be now? We are in light of Jesus coming to this earth, we are now his priests.
Speaker:And we have that ability, if we desire to tap into it.
Speaker:And so how do we do that? And so how does all of that tie into this frequency of prayer and of faith? And so I need to set the stage to understand what vibrational frequency is.
Speaker:And since we know that sound, what you're hearing, my voice right now, it has its own frequency.
Speaker:And we also know that our thought patterns emit a frequency.
Speaker:Did you know that your mood exerts its own frequency? Yes.
Speaker:And that's why you can feel when someone is actually happy or if they're sad or angry.
Speaker:And these feelings, they surround us and they go with us, which is why it's important to have a good selfawareness of what you're putting out there to the world.
Speaker:Let's look at your prayer life.
Speaker:And anyone who has spent time with the Lord in prayer understands that prayer is powerful, it's effective, and it is a most precious time between you and the Lord.
Speaker:This special mode of communication between Almighty God and humans has the power to heal and connects us to God in a very intimate way.
Speaker:Ephesians 618 tells us, and pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests.
Speaker:With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people.
Speaker:And then in James 513 through 14, is anyone among you in trouble? Let them pray.
Speaker:Is anyone happy? Let them sing songs of praise.
Speaker:Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord.
Speaker:There is no accident anywhere in Scripture.
Speaker:Oils have a vibrational frequency, and when used in the way God designed them to be used, they have power.
Speaker:You guys, prayer also has its own frequency and therefore possesses its own special God frequency.
Speaker:Never doubt for a moment that your prayers are ever done in vain.
Speaker:The Bible tells us throughout Scripture that the power of prayer is real, sustainable, and important.
Speaker:Well, when I was 18 years old and I learned about my true biological father, whom I had not known about until that age, I in turn, discovered my grandmother, Ruth Annie, and she shared with me that she had been praying for me all of those 18 years.
Speaker:And you guys, at the time when she said that to me, I didn't understand fully the gift that she had given me.
Speaker:Even though she was not allowed to be around me, she gave me an incredible gift through her prayers.
Speaker:And I did not know this beautiful woman was praying for me.
Speaker:But her prayers have been answered.
Speaker:Throughout all of my life, I have been drawn to God in the most incredible way.
Speaker:I intended church on my own as a little girl, since the church was simply behind our house, and I had no idea why I even needed to be there.
Speaker:I just innately knew I needed to be there.
Speaker:And, you know, we know now it was the prayers of Ruth Annie drawing me in, and this same draw continued.
Speaker:When I was in high school, I continued to seek God, and at the age of 17, at a fellowship of Christian athletes camp, I formally accepted Christ.
Speaker:And from that moment on, I craved knowing God at a deeper level, and I could not get enough of His Word because the Bible became alive for me.
Speaker:And so, you know, the Bible has its own frequency as well.
Speaker:I'll probably do a show on that later.
Speaker:But because of the prayers of my grandmother, this powerful prayer frequency, it crossed all time and space, and it most definitely impacted and affected my life, and it will do the same for others in your life.
Speaker:You guys, I am living proof of this frequency of prayer.
Speaker:And doesn't it make sense that the God of creation would also create this beautiful and powerful love language between Himself and his people.
Speaker:And when we hear the power of prayer, those are not just mere words, you guys.
Speaker:Just like God is light, that is energy and power.
Speaker:And it says throughout Scripture that prayer is powerful, it is an energy force, therefore it has a frequency.
Speaker:So today, my prayer for all of you who are listening is that you go into prayer with a renewed spirit and commitment and know that any time spent with God in prayer is making a difference in the universe and in the people that you are praying for.
Speaker:So, who needs your prayers right now? Who is God asking you to lift up? Prayer is so important.
Speaker:It changes lives and it changes our own life.
Speaker:And I believe this because we are created beings by God.
Speaker:And he wired us to desire to spend special time with Him when we're tuned into Him.
Speaker:And his love language is through prayer.
Speaker:And each of us has that ability to tap into this amazing vibrational resource.
Speaker:And remember, when our body is vibrating at a high level, this is positive energy that elevates our mood and actually helps to keep us physically healthy.
Speaker:Many people will try to diminish all of this vibrational frequency as farfetched and New Age nonsense.
Speaker:I'm here to tell you our amazing God created everything.
Speaker:And therefore, since we know frequency exists, we can measure it and we can see it and feel its effects.
Speaker:We know it is not nonsense.
Speaker:So perhaps your New Year resolution this year will be to increase your prayer time.
Speaker:I believe you will be blessed abundantly if you choose to be more intentional with your prayer time with God.
Speaker:Imagine you guys, if all of you listening and all believers were to truly pray like never before.
Speaker:Wow, what an amazing frequency would go out.
Speaker:And we do have an amazing power within us, you guys.
Speaker:We can make a difference in this world and he needs us to do this.
Speaker:So may you lean into your prayer time more deeply and more intentionally.
Speaker:What a great way to begin this New Year then through this commitment to prayer.
Speaker:So God created you to live in abundance with Him.
Speaker:May you fully live today.
Speaker:Today, on our Ask Dr.
Speaker:Paula, we discuss the frequency of prayer.
Speaker:And I wanted to leave you with some tips to help you with this area.
Speaker:I know it can be hard, but remember, there is no need to put any pressure on yourself to pray the perfect prayer to God.
Speaker:He hears you and he knows your heart.
Speaker:And the main thing is to make time for Him and to spend time communicating with Him through prayer.
Speaker:So here are some tried and true suggestions for enhancing your prayer life.
Speaker:One, dedicate a specific time each day that works for you, and sometimes it may need to change.
Speaker:That's no big deal.
Speaker:And sure throughout the day you can shoot up what I call the Arrow prayers when something comes up, but having a dedicated time with the Lord will bring so many blessings to your life.
Speaker:Secondly, try and find a special area in your home.
Speaker:It could be a specific room, a closet, a porch, or even in your car.
Speaker:Find a box or a basket to keep items such as Bibles pens, highlighters, journals, even some of your oils to have right near you should you need these items during your prayer time.
Speaker:The prayer time doesn't have to look any specific way.
Speaker:If you need to stop and write or look up a scripture, then that's all part of it.
Speaker:And then four, most importantly, turn off your phone during this time or place it on airplane mode.
Speaker:Do not allow the world to interrupt this special time with God.
Speaker:And five, don't worry about how and what you say to God.
Speaker:He does not require us to follow any specific pattern.
Speaker:But I would like to leave you with a prayer pattern that works for me, and I learned it in my many years of Bible study fellowship, and I call them Paula's Prayer Points.
Speaker:They all start with the Pete.
Speaker:First, I like to start with praises.
Speaker:I like to begin lifting up my praises to the King, lord of Lords, King of Kings, Almighty, wonderful Counselor, Father, et cetera.
Speaker:In fact, a great journaling experience is to list A through Z as many praised names for God that you can find.
Speaker:Just praising Him for who he is is powerful.
Speaker:And it sets the tone that this meeting between the two of you is about Him.
Speaker:The next P is purposeful thanksgiving, remembering to thank Him for all that he has done in your life.
Speaker:So important, you guys.
Speaker:And when we focus on gratitude, rather than simply asking for our wants, we are giving him the glory that he deserves.
Speaker:Keeping a gratitude journal is another great way to keep track of all that you are thankful for, and you can just whip it out and start reading through it.
Speaker:The next P are petitions and requests.
Speaker:And I like to place my petitions and requests near the end after I have exalted him and honored Him.
Speaker:And these are all the situations and the people that I am lifting up before Him.
Speaker:And then finally it's to pause.
Speaker:It's important to take a moment and be still before Him.
Speaker:Psalm 46 Ten says, be still and know that I am God.
Speaker:It's a favorite and a reminder that sometimes we need to be quiet in order to allow the Lord to speak into our hearts.
Speaker:And don't worry if you ever fall asleep during your prayers.
Speaker:I do it all the time and I can think of no greater way to drift off to sleep than in the arms of our beloved Lord.
Speaker:So blessings to you as you take the time to focus on your special time with the Lord.
Speaker:He desires to spend time with you and the benefit you'll receive is limitless.
Speaker:So go and live this day fully.
Speaker:Go and live today.
Speaker:Thank you for joining me, friends.