Don’t we all know how in an instant, life can take a drastic turn! One minute you are going about your daily business, the next you are either sucker punched with tragic news or elated with an uplifting message. Either way, life takes a turn.
In my 58 years, my road has traversed many hairpin turns. Each turn has been challenging, scary, and sometimes thrilling. All of us face challenges in this life. How we walk through them determines who we are.
This week, my road encounters yet another hairpin turn. I am staring down an uncertain destination. Is the tumor in my chest benign or something more sinister? How will I brave these next few weeks of uncertainty?
Having been down this frightening road before, I begin to brace myself for the myriad of lab tests, doctor visits, and preparing for the inevitable – surgery. The preparations for how life will change begins. The phone calls with friends and family ensue.
Each time I have faced serious bends in my road, I can honestly say my faith has increased tremendously. I am thankful for the peace that surpasses all understanding during these times. My faith blanket slips over my shoulders, providing me with a God hug to carry me through.
So Beloveds, what road are you traveling today? Are you at a crossroad? Perhaps you are at standstill or better yet, a smooth pathway is before you. No matter where you find yourself today, I pray you will lean into the Father.
Only our Lord can provide you with the navigation tools to travel the toughest twists and turns. What do these tools look like? The Word of God, prayer, and your fellow believers are your go-to instruments when the avenue of life presents a challenge.
God’s Word tells us over and over that He will never leave nor forsake us. Jesus’ time on earth wasn’t easy and neither will ours be. We can however, rest in the comfort of knowing that during the dark and scary times, He is right there with us.
Whatever you are going through today, allow God to comfort and to guide you. You are never alone. Jesus desires to be in the midst of your challenges. Will you allow Him to drive you through your hairpin turns today?