I know this will not be a popular topic. However, I am convicted to write this as our churches need to wake up and HEAR THIS. We are reminded in Scripture over and over regarding how special we are. We are made in God's image (Genesis 1:27). He created us to be His...
Jars of Clay
This week the Bible study that I teach was learning about 2 Corinthians Chapter 4. The verse that truly caught my attention that I felt the need to dig into was from verse 7, "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God...
The Beauty of the Ice
Today, as I look out at our frozen, North Texas landscape, I see the most beautiful sight–ice surrounding each and every blade of grass and leaf. The beautiful ice envelopes the plant providing it with a transparent, winter coat. Amidst the bleak, winter scene, this...
The Meaning of the Manger
Christmas seasons come and go. Everyone is scurrying about with travel, shopping, cooking, attending gatherings, and so many other activities. Even our church activities can be filled up with concerts, plays, and services. As I sit here reflecting on this Christmas...
Why More Than Ever, We Need God in Our Schools
I am writing this post on the eve of the tragic and horrific school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. As the nation mourns over this small town, we all ask ourselves over and over again, "why?". As we grapple with our emotions, the numbness of this senseless act, and how...
How to Study the Bible
Have you ever picked up your Bible and thought, "How do I begin really digging into this book?" I know during my early years of attempting to study God's Word, I was often frustrated and left with a sense of being completely lost and overwhelmed. Finally, I learned...
Recently I was watching The Chosen series Season 2, Episode 4, the scene tells the miracle of Jesus healing the paralytic man at the pool of Bethesda. The scene is poignant as Jesus kneels down in front of the man and asks him if he wants to be healed. This is found...
Where’s Your Voice?
Have you noticed how the narrative everywhere is calling for ALL people to "buy-in" to a certain narrative regarding gender identification? It's as if this topic has exploded into major headlines everywhere. Even in the questioning of a supreme court justice potential...
Who’s Got Your Back?
Recently, I was teaching my Bible study group and we were discussing the Armor of God in Ephesians 6. As we went through the different parts of the full armor, we covered the four items we wear, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of...
Get Up, Get Busy, & Get Going!
Do you ever need a kick-start in life? I think at some point we all need a reminder to get going. Life and stress can cause us to lose our way and our momentum. Now, whether you follow the Bible or not, this story reaches across all lines of religion and truly...