In this episode of the LIV2DAY series “Wired2Know God,” Dr, Paula focuses on being created by the Creator. We have an intelligent designer, God, who hard-wired us to know Him and He also gave us the freedom to choose Him, or to choose to be apart from Him. What does the word “create” mean? And...
In this episode of the LIV2DAY series “Wired2Know God,” Dr, Paula compares our human need to plug into God to the same as a cellphone’s needs to be connected to a charger, or the need for an electric car to be recharged in order to continue driving, it is in one word, essential. Essential to...
In this second episode of Dr. Paula’s “Wired2KNow God” series we learn about the anatomy of the human brain! If you’re not a science geek, don’t worry! Dr. Paula unpacks what is being found in the emerging field of neurotheology into the simplest of terms. If it is true that we are made in the...
Welcome to Dr. Paula’s latest LIV2DAY series – Wired2Know God. As a former biology teacher and Ph.D. in Theology, Dr. Paula McDonald brings us her latest findings on the topic of how we can be confident that we were created by an intelligent, intentional Creator, God himself. If you’ve been following Dr. Paula, or if...
As the New Year kicks off, do you find yourself making another list of resolutions or goals? Before you start down that path, give yourself the next fifteen minutes to hear Dr. Paula’s advice on how to ensure your successful from Day 1. As she often does, she offers us a helpful acronym found in...
We know that all living things have a vibrational frequency. We know that sound also has varying levels of frequency. Scientists, especially in the emerging area of healing frequency therapy, also know that thought patterns even emit a frequency. Did you know that your mood exerts its own frequency? That’s why you can feel when someone is actually happy or sad, or angry. All frequencies are measured in units called hertz, or broken down...
Today’s episode focuses on the story of Jesus’ birth in Luke. The true reason for the season begins in Luke, Chapter 1. Can you imagine how Mary felt when told that she, a virgin, would give birth to a son? And not just any son, the Son of God, the Messiah. Throughout this book her...
Imagine that today you were charged with being a Christian. Would there be enough evidence in your life to convict you? A follower posed this question to Dr. Paula recently through social media, and in this episode, she compels each of us to apply this question to our own lives. Everyone has God-given gifts. The...
The “busy-ness” of the holidays is everywhere and yes, the stress may already upon you. Preparing for what Dr. Paula calls, the Four Big Stressors – Family, Food, (the) Frenzy, and Finances – will help you to stay in a more balanced state. Planning ahead to circumvent triggers, and praying about these triggers as well,...
Have you heard the story of the man who was born blind? You can find it in John, Chapter 9. It’s fascinating. This story is one that is so relevant today, as our world is becoming increasingly spiritually blind. What does it mean to be spiritually blind? In the Book of Acts, Chapter 28 says,...