Each of us possesses character traits that are God-given abilities. In Ephesians Chapter 4, Paul makes it very clear that believers have been given gifts from God, ad that it is our responsibility to utilize these gifts. None of can claim that we have not been given a calling from God. The Bible tells us...
For believers, it’s more important than ever to really know God’s word. Believers can be and are easily deceived, and distracted, when they take their eyes off of Him. In New Age content, there is much talk about the spirit, God, the Creator, but I have never found a link to Christ in any of...
What is prayer? The act of prayer is an open, willing heartfelt conversation with God, thanking Him for what He has done in my life and others around me. And daily prayer doesn’t have to be long, drawn out or difficult. Once I recognize and give God my gratitude, I can entirely focus on my...
“To this end, I labor struggling with all His energy, which so powerfully works in me.” Colossians 1:29 – Friends, this verse captures the meaning of Theosynthesis! God designed us to have His power work within us. Theosynthesis is His energy that powerfully works within us. To live fully, to be “in balance,” and to...
The term Shekinah Glory comes from the Hebrew language, meaning the presence of God dwelling on Earth, and many believe that this pillar of light, which guided the Israelites throughout their journey in the desert, was an example of God’s Shekinah glory and this type of light. However, it’s not a type of light that...
John 1:4 reads, “In Him was life, and that life was the LIGHT of men.” Harnessing God’s Energy is today’s topic of discussion on LIV2DAY. Dr. Paula brings new light to energy in God, science, manifestation, thoughts, and how they are connected! What is not always visible but always around and within us all? Energy....
Numbers, number sequences, and repetitive numeric themes are woven throughout the Bible. To a degree of high specificity, we can see the intentional craftsmanship in many uses of numbers in scripture, not to mention the numerical science found in biology and in living organisms. What is this all about? Is this what some people call...
In this episode, Dr. Paula explores Darwin’s theory of evolution. As mainstream thinking would maintain, science supports exclusively the theory of evolution, while scripture supports the theory of a divine Creator, aka creationism. But is that all there really is to it? We are taught that science doesn’t support the theory of creationism and so...
God created us with a desire to seek & understand him on a much deeper level. Daily, God astonishes us by his presence & ability to connect with us here on earth. Today Dr. Paula shares who God is & how he is there, even when you cannot see him. Because there is no special...
Have you or someone you know ever received “that phone call” from a doctor? The kind of call that brings news so frightening, that time seems to stand still and your world stops spinning? That’s exactly what happened to Dr. Paula when she was told she had cancer and that a difficult and gruesome surgery...